
SCP-500: The Miracle Cure-All (SCP Animation)

SCP-500 is one of the most sought-after and mysterious anomalies in the SCP Foundation’s custody. SCP-500 is a small plastic can that contains red pills that can cure any disease or condition within two hours. SCP-500 is also one of the most limited and valuable resources in the Foundation, as there are only 47 pills left and no way to create more. In this blog post, we will explore what SCP-500 is, how it was discovered, what are its effects, and how it is used and contained.

What Is SCP-500?

SCP-500 is a Safe Class anomaly also known as Panacea. SCP-500 is a small plastic can that contains red pills that measure about 10 mm in diameter and 3 mm in height. Each pill has the letters “SCP” engraved on one side and the number “500” on the other.

SCP-500 has the remarkable property of curing any disease or condition that affects a living being. One pill, when taken orally, effectively cures the subject of all diseases within two hours, exact time depending on the severity and amount of the subject’s conditions. SCP-500 has been proven to cure various diseases and conditions, such as cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, etc.

SCP-500 has also been shown to cure anomalous diseases and conditions that affect subjects exposed to other SCPs. For example, SCP-500 has cured subjects infected with SCP-008 (a zombie virus), SCP-253 (a contagious cancer), SCP-409 (a crystallizing agent), etc.

SCP-500 has no negative side effects or adverse reactions when taken. However, SCP-500 has a limited supply and cannot be replicated or synthesized by any known means. Despite extensive trials, all attempts at creating more of what is thought to be the active ingredient of SCP-500 have been unsuccessful.

How Is SCP-500 Used and Contained?

SCP-500 is one of the most valuable and restricted resources in the Foundation. SCP-500 is only allowed to be accessed by personnel with level 4 security clearance or higher to prevent misuse or waste. SCP-500 must be stored in a cool and dry place away from bright light. SCP-500 must be kept in a secure chemical container that requires two keys to open.

SCP-500 is used for various purposes within the Foundation, such as:

  • Research: SCP-500 is used for testing and experimenting with other SCPs that have medical or biological implications. For example, SCP-500 has been used with SCP-038 (a cloning tree), SCP-914 (a refining machine), SCP-427 (a healing device), etc.
  • Treatment: SCP-500 is used for treating personnel or subjects who have been affected by diseases or conditions that are incurable or life-threatening. For example, SCP-500 has been used for treating personnel who have been exposed to biological hazards, memetic agents, cognitohazards, etc.
  • Emergency: SCP-500 is used for emergency situations that require immediate intervention or prevention of a potential catastrophe. For example, SCP-500 has been used for preventing outbreaks of contagious anomalies, neutralizing hostile entities, saving critical personnel, etc.

SCP-500 is also subject to various requests and proposals from researchers or personnel who want to use it for various reasons. However, most requests are denied due to the scarcity and importance of SCP-500. Only requests that have a clear and valid justification and approval are granted.


SCP-500 is a Safe Class anomaly that can cure any disease or condition within two hours. SCP-500 is a small plastic can that contains red pills that have the letters “SCP” and the number “500” engraved on them. . The origin and source of SCP-500 are unknown.

SCP-500 is one of the most limited and valuable resources in the Foundation. There are only 47 pills left and no way to create more. SCP-500 is only allowed to be accessed by personnel with level 4 security clearance or higher. SCP-500 must be stored in a secure chemical container that requires two keys to open.

SCP-500 is used for various purposes within the Foundation, such as research, treatment, and emergency. However, most requests for using SCP-500 are denied due to its scarcity and importance. Only requests that have a clear and valid justification and approval are granted.

SCP Explained – Story & Animation is a YouTube channel that creates animated videos about SCPs and their stories. If you want to learn more about SCPs and watch more SCP animations, you can subscribe to the channel . You can also join the Discord server to chat with other SCP fans and share your SCP art and feedback. Thank you for watching and reading.

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