
Coin Market Bull: A Crypto Investment Platform with a Trading Robot

Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that use cryptography to secure transactions and control the creation of new units. They are decentralized, meaning that they are not controlled by any central authority or intermediary. They are also volatile, meaning that their prices can fluctuate significantly in a short period of time.

Some people invest in cryptocurrencies to profit from their price movements, while others use them as a medium of exchange or a store of value. However, investing in cryptocurrencies can be challenging, especially for beginners who lack the knowledge, skills, or time to analyze the market and make informed decisions.

That’s why some people turn to crypto investment platforms that offer automated trading services, such as Coin Market Bull (CMB). CMB is a platform that claims to provide a trading robot that can generate daily returns on investment. But what is CMB, how does it work, and is it trustworthy? Let’s find out.

What is CMB and How Does It Work?

CMB is a platform that was launched in 2020 by Sizigi Studios, a company that specializes in artificial intelligence and machine learning. CMB claims to use a state-of-the-art AI that can draw custom crypto portfolios, just for you. The platform claims that this AI is a machine learning expert that can analyze the market trends, signals, and indicators, and create a perfect portfolio based on your preferences and goals. If it sounds too good to be true, that’s because it probably is.

According to the website, CMB works in four easy steps:

  • Register: You need to create an account on the website and provide some personal information, such as your name, email, phone number, and country.
  • Deposit: You need to fund your account with at least $50 USD per year to activate the robot. You can use various payment methods, such as credit cards, bank transfers, or cryptocurrencies.
  • Trade: You need to choose your risk level and let the robot do the rest. The robot will automatically buy and sell cryptocurrencies on your behalf, according to the market conditions and your portfolio.
  • Withdraw: You can withdraw your profits at any time, without any fees or limits. You can use the same payment methods as for depositing.

Why is CMB Popular and Controversial?

CMB is popular because it promises to offer a simple and profitable way to invest in cryptocurrencies without any hassle or effort. It also claims to offer various features and benefits, such as:

  • High returns: CMB claims to generate up to 10% daily returns on investment, which means that you can double your money in 10 days.
  • Low risk: CMB claims to use advanced algorithms and strategies that can minimize the risk of losses and maximize the profits.
  • User-friendly: CMB claims to have an easy-to-use interface and a responsive customer support team that can assist you 24/7.
  • Secure: CMB claims to use encryption and security protocols that can protect your data and funds from hackers and fraudsters.

However, CMB is also controversial because it raises many red flags and suspicions that suggest that it might be a scam or a fraud. Some of the warning signs are:

  • Lack of transparency: CMB does not provide any information about its founders, team members, location, or registration. It also does not disclose how its AI works or what kind of algorithms or strategies it uses.
  • Unrealistic claims: CMB makes unrealistic and exaggerated claims about its performance and profitability that are not backed by any evidence or proof. It also does not provide any testimonials or reviews from real users or customers.
  • Legal issues: CMB does not comply with any regulations or laws that govern the crypto industry. It also does not have any licenses or permits from any reputable authorities or agencies.
  • Fake news: CMB uses fake news articles and videos to promote its platform and attract new users. It also uses fake endorsements from celebrities and influencers who have nothing to do with it.


CMB is a platform that claims to provide a trading robot that can generate daily returns on investment in cryptocurrencies. It claims to use a state-of-the-art AI that can draw custom crypto portfolios based on your preferences and goals. However, CMB is also a platform that raises many red flags and suspicions that suggest that it might be a scam or a fraud. It does not provide any information about its founders , team members , location , or registration . It also does not disclose how its AI works or what kind of algorithms or strategies it uses . It makes unrealistic and exaggerated claims about its performance and profitability that are not backed by any evidence or proof . It also does not comply with any regulations or laws that govern the crypto industry . It uses fake news articles and videos to promote its platform and attract new users . It also uses fake endorsements from celebrities and influencers who have nothing to do with it . Therefore, it is advisable to stay away from CMB and avoid investing your money in it. There are many other legitimate and reliable crypto investment platforms that can offer you better and safer services.

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