
FakeYou: A Platform for Creating and Sharing Deep Fake Voices

What is FakeYou?

FakeYou is an online platform that allows users to create and share deep fake voices of their favorite characters, celebrities, or influencers. A deep fake voice is a synthetic voice that mimics the voice of a real person using artificial intelligence and natural language processing. Users can use FakeYou to generate audio or video clips of their chosen voice saying anything they want.

How does FakeYou work?

FakeYou works by using a combination of voice cloning, voice synthesis, and voice conversion techniques. Voice cloning is the process of creating a digital copy of a person’s voice from a sample of their speech. Voice synthesis is the process of creating speech from text or other inputs. Voice conversion is the process of transforming one voice into another by changing its characteristics. FakeYou uses these techniques to create voices that can speak any language, say any words, or sound like any person.

What can users do with FakeYou?

Users can do many things with FakeYou, such as:

  • Discovering voices: Users can browse through thousands of voices created by other users or by the platform’s AI. Users can search by keywords, categories, or tags to find the voices they like. Users can also view the most popular, trending, or recent voices on the platform.
  • Liking and sharing voices: Users can like and share their favorite voices with other users or on social media. Users can also comment on the voices and interact with the creators or other fans.
  • Creating voices: Users can create their own voices using the platform’s AI in seconds. Users can choose from over 3000 voices, such as Morgan Freeman, Taylor Swift, or Donald Trump. Users can also request a custom voice of their favorite character, celebrity, or influencer. Users can then type or speak their desired text and generate the audio or video clip in the chosen voice.
  • Collecting voices: Users can save their favorite voices in their personal collections. Users can also create custom collections based on their preferences or themes. Users can also view other users’ collections and follow them.

Why use FakeYou?

FakeYou is a fun and creative platform for creating and sharing deep fake voices. Some of the benefits of using FakeYou are:

  • Entertainment: FakeYou is a way of entertaining oneself and others by creating and listening to humorous, surprising, or amazing deep fake voices. Users can use FakeYou to prank their friends, make memes, or create fan fiction.
  • Education: FakeYou is also a way of educating oneself and others by creating and listening to informative, inspiring, or motivational deep fake voices. Users can use FakeYou to learn new languages, facts, or skills from their favorite voices.
  • Expression: FakeYou is also a way of expressing oneself and others by creating and listening to personal, emotional, or meaningful deep fake voices. Users can use FakeYou to convey their feelings, opinions, or stories through their chosen voices.


FakeYou is an online platform that allows users to create and share deep fake voices of their favorite characters, celebrities, or influencers. It uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to generate high-quality and natural-sounding voices that can speak any language, say any words, or sound like any person. Users can use FakeYou to discover, like, share, create, and collect deep fake voices for entertainment, education, or expression. FakeYou is a platform that you should try if you love deep fake technology and voice manipulation.

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