
How Much is 500 Yen? A Guide to Understanding the Japanese Currency

Yen is the official currency of Japan, one of the world’s largest and most advanced economies. Yen is also one of the most traded currencies in the global foreign exchange market, along with the US dollar, the euro, and the pound sterling. Yen is denoted by the symbol ¥ and the code JPY. One yen is divided into 100 sen or 1000 rin, but these smaller units are rarely used in practice. In this article, we will explore how much is 500 yen in terms of its value, purchasing power, and exchange rate.

What is the Value of 500 Yen?

The value of 500 yen depends on various factors, such as inflation, interest rates, supply and demand, and market sentiment. The value of 500 yen can change over time and across different regions and markets. Therefore, it is important to use a reliable source to check the current value of 500 yen at any given time and place.

One way to check the current value of 500 yen is to use an online currency converter, such as this one. A currency converter can show you how much 500 yen is worth in terms of another currency, such as US dollars, euros, or pounds sterling. For example, as of August 14, 2023, 500 yen is equal to about 3.43 US dollars, 2.91 euros, or 2.50 pounds sterling. However, these exchange rates may vary depending on the source and the time of conversion.

Another way to check the current value of 500 yen is to use an online inflation calculator, such as this one. An inflation calculator can show you how much 500 yen in a certain year is worth in terms of another year’s yen. For example, according to the Bank of Japan’s consumer price index (CPI), 500 yen in 2010 is equal to about 551 yen in 2020. This means that the purchasing power of 500 yen has decreased by about 10% over the past decade due to inflation.

What is the Purchasing Power of 500 Yen?

The purchasing power of 500 yen refers to how much goods and services you can buy with 500 yen in a certain country or region. The purchasing power of 500 yen can vary depending on various factors, such as the cost of living, the availability of goods and services, and the quality of goods and services. The purchasing power of 500 yen can also change over time due to inflation or deflation.

One way to measure the purchasing power of 500 yen is to use a price index, such as the CPI or the Big Mac Index. A price index compares the prices of a basket of goods and services across different countries or regions at a certain point in time. For example, according to The Economist’s Big Mac Index, which compares the prices of McDonald’s Big Mac burgers around the world, a Big Mac costs about 390 yen in Japan as of July 2021. This means that you can buy about one and a quarter Big Macs with 500 yen in Japan. However, a Big Mac costs about $5.65 in the US as of July 2021. This means that you can only buy about three-fifths of a Big Mac with $3.43 (the equivalent of 500 yen) in the US.

Another way to measure the purchasing power of 500 yen is to use a purchasing power parity (PPP) exchange rate, such as [this one]. A PPP exchange rate adjusts the nominal exchange rate between two currencies based on their relative purchasing power. For example, according to the World Bank’s PPP exchange rate for GDP per capita for 2020, one US dollar has a PPP value of about $1.00 in the US but only about $0.64 in Japan. This means that $1.00 can buy more goods and services in Japan than in the US. Therefore, using the PPP exchange rate, $3.43 (the equivalent of 500 yen) has a PPP value of about $5.36 in Japan but only about $3.43 in the US.

What are Some Examples of What You Can Buy with 500 Yen?

To give you a better idea of what you can buy with 500 yen in Japan, here are some examples of common goods and services and their approximate prices as of August 2021:

  • A cup of coffee at a café: about 300-400 yen
  • A bottle of water at a convenience store: about 100-150 yen
  • A loaf of bread at a supermarket: about 200-300 yen
  • A bowl of ramen at a restaurant: about 500-700 yen
  • A ticket for the subway or bus: about 200-300 yen
  • A movie ticket at a cinema: about 1,800-2,000 yen
  • A paperback book at a bookstore: about 700-1,000 yen
  • A T-shirt at a clothing store: about 1,000-2,000 yen

As you can see, 500 yen can buy you some basic goods and services in Japan, but not much more. You may need to save up more yen or exchange more foreign currency if you want to buy more expensive or luxurious items in Japan.


Yen is the official currency of Japan and one of the most traded currencies in the world. Yen is denoted by the symbol ¥ and the code JPY. One yen is divided into 100 sen or 1000 rin, but these smaller units are rarely used in practice. The value, purchasing power, and exchange rate of 500 yen depend on various factors, such as inflation, interest rates, supply and demand, and market sentiment. The value, purchasing power, and exchange rate of 500 yen can change over time and across different regions and markets. Therefore, it is important to use a reliable source to check the current value, purchasing power, and exchange rate of 500 yen at any given time and place. Some ways to check the current value, purchasing power, and exchange rate of 500 yen are to use an online currency converter, an online inflation calculator, a price index, or a PPP exchange rate. Some examples of what you can buy with 500 yen in Japan are a cup of coffee, a bottle of water, a loaf of bread, or a bowl of ramen.

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