
INR to PKR: How to Convert Indian Rupees to Pakistani Rupees and What Factors Affect the Exchange Rate

If you are planning to travel, trade, or invest between India and Pakistan, you might want to know how to convert Indian rupees (INR) to Pakistani rupees (PKR) and what factors affect the exchange rate. INR and PKR are the official currencies of India and Pakistan, respectively. Both countries are located in South Asia and share a long history, culture, and border. However, they also have different economic, political, and social conditions that influence their currency values. In this blog post, we will explain how to convert INR to PKR and what factors affect the exchange rate.

How to Convert INR to PKR

To convert INR to PKR, you need to know the exchange rate between the two currencies. The exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of another currency. For example, as of August 14, 2023, 1 INR is equal to 3.42 PKR. This means that you can exchange 1 Indian rupee for 3.42 Pakistani rupees or vice versa.

There are different ways to find and use the exchange rate between INR and PKR. Some of these ways are:

  • Online: You can use online platforms or services that offer currency conversion tools or calculators. For example, you can use Bing, Xe, or Google Finance to find the latest or historical exchange rates between INR and PKR. You can also use these platforms or services to convert any amount of INR to PKR or vice versa.
  • Offline: You can use offline sources or methods that provide currency conversion information or assistance. For example, you can use newspapers, magazines, or books that publish the exchange rates between INR and PKR. You can also use banks, money changers, or ATMs that offer currency exchange services.
  • App: You can use mobile apps that allow you to access currency conversion features or functions on your phone or device. For example, you can use Wise, Xe, or Currency Converter apps to find and use the exchange rates between INR and PKR. You can also use these apps to send or receive money in different currencies.

What Factors Affect the Exchange Rate

The exchange rate between INR and PKR is determined by the supply and demand of the market. The supply and demand of the market are influenced by various factors, such as:

  • Economic: The economic factors refer to the performance and outlook of the economies of India and Pakistan. These factors include indicators such as GDP, inflation, interest rates, trade balance, foreign reserves, etc. Generally, a strong economy tends to appreciate its currency value, while a weak economy tends to depreciate its currency value.
  • Political: The political factors refer to the stability and security of the governments and policies of India and Pakistan. These factors include events such as elections, conflicts, reforms, sanctions, etc. Generally, a stable and secure political environment tends to support its currency value, while an unstable and insecure political environment tends to undermine its currency value.
  • Social: The social factors refer to the trends and sentiments of the people and society of India and Pakistan. These factors include aspects such as culture, religion, media, education, etc. Generally, a positive and optimistic social mood tends to boost its currency value, while a negative and pessimistic social mood tends to lower its currency value.


INR to PKR is the currency pair that represents the exchange rate between Indian rupees and Pakistani rupees. To convert INR to PKR, you need to know the exchange rate between the two currencies and use online, offline, or app sources or methods that offer currency conversion tools or services. The exchange rate between INR and PKR is determined by the supply and demand of the market, which are influenced by various economic, political, and social factors. By understanding these factors, you can make better decisions when dealing with INR and PKR currencies.

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