
Q-SYS Designer: A Powerful and Simple Tool for Audio System Design

If you are looking for a software solution that can help you create, manage, and optimize audio systems of any size and complexity, you may want to check out Q-SYS Designer. Q-SYS Designer is a software application that allows you to design and configure audio systems using the Q-SYS Platform, a scalable and flexible audio platform that integrates processing, networking, and control in one solution.

Q-SYS Designer is not just another DSP design software. It is a comprehensive and intuitive tool that enables you to create designs for native Q-SYS Platform systems and also supports the integration of the greater Q-SYS Ecosystem. The Q-SYS Ecosystem consists of various products and services that enhance the capabilities and functionality of the Q-SYS Platform, such as:

  • Q-SYS Cores: The hardware or software engines that run the Q-SYS audio system.
  • Q-SYS Peripherals: The devices that provide input, output, control, or monitoring functions for the Q-SYS audio system.
  • Q-SYS Reflect Enterprise Manager: A cloud-based service that provides remote monitoring and management of multiple Q-SYS systems across different locations.
  • Q-SYS Control Plugins: The software modules that enable integration and control of third-party devices and applications with the Q-SYS audio system.
  • Q-SYS Scripting Engine: The feature that allows you to create custom scripts using Lua programming language to extend the functionality of the Q-SYS audio system.

In this blog post, we will explore some of the features and benefits of Q-SYS Designer and how it can help you achieve your audio system design goals.

Features and Benefits of Q-SYS Designer

Q-SYS Designer is a powerful yet simple advanced DSP design software that offers many features and benefits for audio system designers and integrators. Some of these features and benefits are:

  • One Software for All System Sizes: Q-SYS Designer is a single application that can be used with every Q-SYS Core category for projects of any size. Whether you need a small, medium, or large system, you can use the same software to create your design.
  • Emulation Mode: Q-SYS Designer allows you to build the majority of your system without hardware. You can use the emulation mode to test your design, simulate device behavior, troubleshoot issues, and preview user control interfaces before deploying them to the actual hardware.
  • Third-party Peripheral Support: Q-SYS Designer enables you to integrate and control external devices through available control plugins or custom scripting. You can use the control plugins library to access hundreds of ready-made plugins for various devices and applications, or create your own plugins using the scripting engine.
  • User Control Interfaces: Q-SYS Designer allows you to design custom user control interfaces (UCIs) for touchscreen controllers, web browsers, or mobile devices. You can use the UCI editor to create buttons, sliders, meters, labels, images, and other graphical elements. You can also import graphics, add UCI PIN protection, and build user controls for different user levels.
  • Online Help File: Q-SYS Designer provides an online help file that contains the most complete and latest information about the software and associated hardware and peripherals. You can access this help file from within Q-SYS Designer or from the website.

How to Use Q-SYS Designer

Q-SYS Designer is easy to use and has a user-friendly interface. To use Q-SYS Designer, you need to follow these basic steps:

  • Download and Install: You can download the latest version of Q-SYS Designer from the website. You need to have a Windows PC with minimum system requirements to run the software. You also need to have a valid license key to activate the software.
  • Create a New Design: You can create a new design by selecting File > New Design from the menu bar. You need to specify the name of your design, the type of Core you are using (hardware or software), and the number of channels you need. You can also choose a template or an existing design as a starting point.
  • Add Components: You can add components to your design by dragging them from the inventory panel on the left side of the screen. You can choose from various categories of components, such as inputs, outputs, mixers, processors, controllers, peripherals, plugins, scripts, etc. You can also search for components by name or keyword.
  • Connect Components: You can connect components to each other by clicking on their pins and dragging them to another component’s pin. You can also use the auto-connect feature to automatically connect compatible components. You can view and edit your connections in different modes, such as schematic view or block diagram view.
  • Configure Components: You can configure components by double-clicking on them or selecting them and clicking on the properties button. You can adjust various parameters and settings of each component, such as gain, EQ, delay, routing, control, etc. You can also use the component presets to quickly apply common configurations.
  • Design UCIs: You can design UCIs by selecting Tools > UCI Editor from the menu bar. You can create a new UCI or edit an existing one. You can use the toolbox panel on the left side of the screen to add graphical elements to your UCI. You can also use the properties panel on the right side of the screen to modify the appearance and behavior of each element. You can preview your UCI in different resolutions and orientations.
  • Save and Deploy: You can save your design by selecting File > Save or File > Save As from the menu bar. You can also export your design as a file or a package for backup or sharing purposes. You can deploy your design to the Core by selecting File > Deploy Design from the menu bar. You need to have a network connection between your PC and the Core to deploy your design.


Q-SYS Designer is a powerful and simple tool for audio system design that can help you create, manage, and optimize audio systems using the Q-SYS Platform. It offers many features and benefits that make it a versatile and reliable software solution for audio system designers and integrators.

If you are interested in learning more about Q-SYS Designer and how it can help you with your audio system design projects, you can visit the website for more information and resources. You can also contact QSC for technical support or sales inquiries.

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