
What are Triggered Memes and Why are They Popular?

Memes are humorous images, videos, or texts that are spread online, often with variations and adaptations. They are a form of cultural expression that reflects the opinions, emotions, and experiences of internet users. One type of meme that has gained popularity in recent years is the triggered meme.

The Origin and Meaning of Triggered Memes

The word “triggered” originally referred to a psychological term that described the experience of someone who has been through a traumatic event and is reminded of it by a stimulus, such as a sound, a word, or an image. The reminder can cause the person to have a strong emotional reaction, such as anxiety, anger, or fear. The term was often used in the context of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health issues.

However, the term “triggered” has also been used in a more casual and sarcastic way by some internet users, especially those who disagree with or mock certain social or political views. For example, some people may say that someone is “triggered” if they get offended or upset by a joke, a comment, or a meme. The term is often used to imply that the person is overly sensitive, irrational, or intolerant.

Triggered memes are memes that are created in response to something that has happened, usually something that has upset or angered the person who made the meme. The meme typically shows an exaggerated or distorted image of the person’s face or reaction, along with the word “triggered” in large letters. The meme is meant to express the person’s frustration, outrage, or mockery towards the thing that triggered them.

Some examples of triggered memes are:

  • Triggered Paul: A meme that shows an image of Paul Joseph Watson, a controversial political commentator and conspiracy theorist, with his eyes bulging and his mouth open. The meme is used to mock Watson’s views and reactions to various topics.
  • Triggered Liberal: A meme that shows an image of a woman with her eyes wide and her mouth agape. The meme is used to mock liberals or left-wing activists who are perceived to be easily offended or outraged by conservative or right-wing views.
  • Triggered Feminist: A meme that shows an image of a woman with her hair dyed in rainbow colors and her face contorted in anger. The meme is used to mock feminists or women’s rights activists who are perceived to be unreasonable or aggressive.

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The Popularity and Controversy of Triggered Memes

Triggered memes are popular because they are simple to make and share online. They are also appealing to some internet users who enjoy humor that is edgy, ironic, or provocative. Triggered memes can be seen as a way of expressing one’s opinions, emotions, or experiences in a humorous way.

However, triggered memes are also controversial because they can be seen as insensitive, disrespectful, or harmful to some people. Triggered memes can be seen as trivializing or mocking the real experiences of people who suffer from trauma or mental health issues. Triggered memes can also be seen as promoting intolerance, hatred, or violence towards people who have different views or identities.

Some people may argue that triggered memes are harmless jokes that should not be taken seriously. They may argue that triggered memes are a form of free speech and creativity that should not be censored or restricted. They may also argue that triggered memes are a way of challenging or criticizing certain ideas or movements that they disagree with.

Others may argue that triggered memes are offensive and harmful jokes that should not be tolerated. They may argue that triggered memes are a form of hate speech and harassment that should be condemned or banned. They may also argue that triggered memes are a way of spreading or reinforcing negative stereotypes or prejudices about certain groups of people.


Triggered memes are a type of meme that are created in response to something that has happened, usually something that has upset or angered the person who made the meme. Triggered memes are popular because they are simple to make and share online, and because they appeal to some internet users who enjoy humor that is edgy, ironic, or provocative. However, triggered memes are also controversial because they can be seen as insensitive, disrespectful, or harmful to some people who suffer from trauma or mental health issues, or who have different views or identities. Triggered memes can be seen as a form of cultural expression that reflects the opinions, emotions, and experiences of internet users, but also as a source of conflict and debate among them.

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